AI in Simplified Terms

Breaking Down Large Language Models

What is a Large Language Model (LLM)?

Imagine you have a gigantic library at your fingertips, filled with all the books, articles, websites, and texts ever written. Now, envision you could ask a librarian there any question or to write on any topic, and they could instantly craft a response based on everything in that library. That librarian is like a Large Language Model (LLM).

In technical terms, an LLM is a type of artificial intelligence that processes and generates human-like text based on the vast amount of data it has been trained on. It learns from the patterns in this data to understand language structure, meaning, and context.

How Do LLMs Work?

To understand how LLMs work, let's use the analogy of learning to cook. When you learn to cook, you start with recipes (the data). Initially, you follow these recipes exactly. But as you become more experienced, you begin to understand the principles behind the recipes—what makes a dish spicy, how baking time affects texture, and so on. You can then create new recipes or tweak existing ones based on your understanding.

In AI terms, LLMs are trained by 'reading' (processing) a vast collection of text data. This 'reading' helps them learn the 'recipes' of language: grammar, syntax, and semantics. But unlike a novice cook, LLMs go through millions of recipes (texts) and learn incredibly nuanced 'cooking' (language) skills. When asked to generate text, an LLM combines what it has learned to produce something new, much like creating a new dish using learned principles.


  1. Conversational Assistant: An LLM as a conversational assistant is like having a pen pal who has read everything and can discuss any topic under the sun. You can ask questions, seek advice, or just chat about your day, and it will respond with insightful, relevant comments.

  2. Writing Assistant: Imagine you're drafting a letter but struggling to find the right words. An LLM acts like a co-writer who suggests how to express your thoughts clearly and effectively, drawing from its extensive 'reading' of other well-written texts.

  3. Educational Tool: Using an LLM for learning is akin to having a tutor who can explain complex concepts in simple terms. Whether you're curious about quantum physics or the history of art, the LLM can break down information into digestible pieces, tailored to your level of understanding.

  4. Creative Stories: Think of an LLM as a storyteller who can spin tales on demand. Whether you want a story about a pirate adventure or a mystery in space, the LLM crafts narratives as if it has been telling these stories for years, drawing from a vast repertoire of genres, styles, and structures it has learned.

Simplifying Complex Ideas:

At its core, an LLM is like a master chef for language, capable of whipping up an endless array of dishes (texts) from the ingredients (data) it has absorbed. It understands the 'taste' (context) you’re asking for and can adjust the 'seasoning' (tone, style) to suit your palate (requirements).

What is AI in Social Work?

 Imagine you have a toolbox filled with the most advanced tools you can think of. These aren't just hammers and screwdrivers but tools that can adapt, learn, and even predict the best way to fix a problem based on the situation. In the realm of social work, AI acts as this advanced toolbox, equipped to handle various challenges by providing tailored solutions, insights, and support.

In technical terms, AI in social work refers to the application of artificial intelligence technologies, such as machine learning, natural language processing, and predictive analytics, to enhance and streamline social work practices. It helps in understanding complex human conditions, automating administrative tasks, and providing data driven insights to improve client outcomes.

How Does AI Work in Social Work?

Let's use the analogy of a gardener nurturing a garden. A gardener uses various tools and knowledge to care for plants, knowing when to water, how to prune, and where to plant for the best growth. Similarly, social workers use AI as a tool to nurture and support individuals and communities. AI helps analyze vast amounts of data (like soil conditions, sunlight, and water needs for a plant) to identify needs, predict outcomes, and suggest interventions.

In AI terms, social workers use AI tools to process and analyze data from diverse sources, including case notes, social media, and public records. This analysis helps in identifying patterns and trends, predicting risks, and making informed decisions about interventions. For example, AI can highlight a community's increased need for mental health services before it becomes a crisis.

Real World Challenges

1. Optimizing Resource Allocation: Imagine planning a city's parks so every child has a safe place to play within walking distance. AI can analyze community data to suggest where social services are needed the most, much like city planning software ensures parks are accessible to all.

2. Identifying Trends in Community Health: Think of a weather app that predicts the week's weather, helping you plan ahead. AI in social work analyzes data trends to predict community needs, allowing organizations to prepare and respond effectively, like ensuring enough shelters are available before a cold snap.

3. Automating Administrative Tasks: Consider the convenience of a smart home system that manages lighting, heating, and security, freeing you to focus on family and hobbies. AI automates timeconsuming tasks like data entry and appointment scheduling in social work, giving professionals more time for direct client interaction.

Simplifying Complex Ideas:

In essence, integrating AI into social work is like having a smart assistant dedicated to enhancing human wellbeing. It doesn't replace the human touch but enhances it, ensuring that every intervention is informed, timely, and tailored to individual and community needs. AI tools in social work are like having an extra set of hands that are incredibly skilled at juggling multiple tasks, analyzing data, and offering insights, all designed to support the core mission of social work: to improve lives.

By adopting AI in social work, we're not just embracing new technology; we're opening doors to more efficient, effective, and empathetic ways to serve communities. This approach demystifies AI, making it an ally in the quest to meet diverse human needs, and underscores the potential of technology to augment the essential, irreplaceable work of social workers.

The History of AI

An AI Timeline Past to Present

The journey from the inception of artificial intelligence (AI) to the development of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a fascinating story of technological advancement. Here's a brief historical timeline highlighting key milestones:

Early Foundations (1940s – 1950s)

  • 1943: McCulloch and Pitts publish their paper on artificial neurons, laying the groundwork for neural networks.

  • 1950: Alan Turing proposes the Turing Test, a benchmark for evaluating machine intelligence.

  • 1956: The Dartmouth Summer Research Project officially establishes the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

First AI Boom and Bust (1960s – 1970s)

  • 1960s: Early enthusiasm fuels the creation of chatbots like ELIZA and game-playing programs. However, limited computing power and the inability to solve complex real-world problems lead to funding cuts and an "AI winter."

Expert Systems and Gradual Progress (1980s)

  • 1980s: Expert systems gain prominence, mimicking human decision-making within specific domains. However, their rigidity and difficulties in scaling limit their broader impact.

Machine Learning and a Second Slump (1990s – early 2000s)

  • 1990s: Machine learning approaches, including support vector machines and decision trees, show promise but are constrained by computational power and data availability. Another "AI winter" sets in.

AI's Resurgence (2010s - Present)

  • 2010s: The convergence of powerful algorithms, massive datasets (big data), and advances in GPUs fuel a breakthrough era for AI. Deep learning transforms fields like computer vision and natural language processing.

  • 2012: The AlexNet deep neural network excels at the ImageNet competition, highlighting computer vision's potential.

  • 2016: AlphaGo's victory over a Go world champion demonstrates AI's strategic capabilities.

  • 2017: Transformer models revolutionize NLP, enabling more sophisticated language tasks, leading to widespread integration of AI assistants (Alexa, Siri), advanced translation, and content generation.

  • 2018: OpenAI introduces GPT-1, kicking off the development of large language models.

  • 2019: GPT-2 demonstrates significantly improved text generation capabilities.

  • 2022: ChatGPT 3.0 Unveiled. The advancements of Chat GPT 3.5 and 4 (2023) represented a significant leap forward in performance, showcasing improvements in understanding and generating text, among other advancements. These releases continued to push the boundaries of what AI models can achieve in terms of natural language processing and generation.

Glossary of Common AI Terms


Artificial Intelligence (AI): The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes include learning, reasoning, and self correction.

Algorithm: A set of rules or instructions given to an AI system to help it make decisions or perform tasks.

Analytics: The systematic computational analysis of data or statistics. In social work, analytics can be used to identify trends, patterns, and insights in client data.

AGI: Artificial General Intelligence, refers to a type of AI that has the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge in a wide range of tasks, similar to the cognitive abilities of a human being. Unlike narrow AI, which is designed for specific tasks, AGI can perform any intellectual task that a human can. It represents the goal of creating machines that possess general cognitive abilities across diverse domains.


Big Data: Extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions.


Chatbot: A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the Internet. In social work, chatbots can provide initial support, information, or guidance to clients.

Computational Social Science: The interdisciplinary field that uses computational methods to analyze social phenomena. This includes the use of AI to understand social behaviors and structures.

CPU: Central Processing Units is the primary part of a computer that performs most of the processing inside a computer. It executes instructions from software and allows your computer to operate. CPUs can handle basic AI tasks and are often used in the initial development and testing phases of AI models. They're capable of running AI algorithms, albeit not as efficiently as GPUs for large-scale tasks.


Data Mining: The process of discovering patterns and knowledge from large amounts of data. The data sources can include databases, websites, and other data repositories.

Deep Learning: A subset of machine learning that uses neural networks with many layers (deep neural networks) to learn and make intelligent decisions.


Ethics in AI: The branch of ethics that examines the moral issues and standards related to AI and its applications, ensuring they are used in a way that benefits society and does not cause harm.


GPT’s: Generative Pre-trained Transformers, are a type of artificial intelligence model designed to generate human-like text based on the input they receive. They belong to the broader family of machine learning models known as transformers, which have been revolutionary in the field of natural language processing (NLP).

GPU’s: Graphics Processing Units, are specialized hardware designed to process multiple tasks simultaneously, making them ideal for the complex mathematical computations required in AI and machine learning. They significantly speed up AI model training and execution. GPUs accelerate AI computations, making them indispensable for training and running complex AI models efficiently.


Machine Learning (ML): A subset of AI that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.


Natural Language Processing (NLP): The ability of a computer program to understand human language as it is spoken and written. NLP is a critical component of AI in social work for analyzing client communication and providing insights.

Narrow AI: Also known as Weak AI, refers to artificial intelligence systems that are designed and trained for a specific task. Unlike AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), which can perform any intellectual task that a human can, narrow AI focuses on a single subset of cognitive abilities and operates within a predefined range or context. Examples include speech recognition, image recognition, and chatbots. These systems do not possess consciousness or genuine understanding; they simulate human behavior based on a limited set of parameters and training data.


Predictive Analytics: The use of data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data.


Robotics: The branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots. In social work, robotics can assist in caregiving and therapeutic roles.


Social Media AI Analysis: Using AI to analyze social media data to understand public sentiment, identify trends, and gather insights on various social issues.

Supervised Learning: A type of machine learning where the model is trained on a labeled dataset, which means the data is already tagged with the correct answer.


Tokens: A token in AI, especially in natural language processing, is a piece of text, like a word or punctuation, that the model sees as a single item. It's used to break down text for the model to understand and generate language.

Transformers: The underlying architecture that these models use. This architecture allows the model to weigh the importance of different words in a sentence or a paragraph in relation to each other. It's adept at understanding the context and generating text that is relevant to the given prompt, thanks to its ability to handle long-range dependencies in text.


Unsupervised Learning: A type of machine learning where the model learns patterns from untagged data without any guidance on what the outcomes should be.